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Robert Tys

Born in Poland, fascinated by colors and light from an early age, he was absorbed in drawing comics. His childhood passion, which continued into his young adulthood, was nurtured at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice in the graphic design department, and later at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf where he graduated in painting. He gained education and life experience both in his home country and abroad. Both graphic design and painting are reflected in his past and current work. His particular passion became painting abstract oil paintings on large canvas formats. He organized exhibitions of his works in Marseille, Madrid, Düsseldorf, places where people of different cultures, experiences, and passions meet. He participated in an international project of restoration works conducted at the palace in Monaco.


After years spent in Germany, the south of France became his home, as well as the catalyst for further artistic development and evolution. The special light, colors, beautiful nature, and architecture of the Mediterranean basin became his daily inspiration for creating his paintings. He mixes them in his own way, turning them into his own unique mixture. Painting, drawing, and photographing, he fills each blank page with blue, green, and sunlight, creating works vibrating with the colors and energy of the French Riviera, Provence, and the Alpine foothills.

Robert Tys, the sunny artist from the south, continues his life journey by painting and photographing the beauty that surrounds him.

Certificate of Authenticity

The Certificate of Authenticity is designed to protect the security and authenticity of limited edition artworks and reproductions on paper, and to reduce the risk of forgery. Each certificate is made of high-quality molded paper, with a watermark and fluorescent security fibers. The certificate of authenticity refers to a specific work of art made in a limited series of 100 prints signed by the artist. All paintings offered in the store are accompanied by certificates of authenticity with a hologram.